Wonderfull Wellies!
As you all know, your lovely little people donned their wellies the other week and walked round the school field a number of times to raise much needed funds for our Forest School and to help cover the costs of our fantastic Speech and Language therapist, Katie.
A fabulous £370 was raised – thankyou thankyou thankyou for your support. Your tots did you proud! As one little person said, “I go-ed round and round in circles lots and lots, and then I go-ed to the gate to put my sparkly shoes back on!”
You may have seen from our Facebook posts that our Forest School is developing nicely; we have more materials - like shells and acorns and leaves - to play with, as well as lots of pots and pans to bang (sorry neighbours!). We are looking forward to receiving our mud kitchen and water wall over the coming weeks, thanks to your generous contributions.
We did a blog a little while back about our speech and language therapist, Katie, who visits us once a month and works with all our children through games and play to identify any early issues with speech development. To our knowledge, no other Playgroup in the surrounding area provides such a service to their children.
We’ve very proud to offer this to our little ones, especially as there’s a 12 month wait for speech and language support on the NHS. That’s a long time in the life of a 2, 3 or 4 year old as they learn to communicate with the world! Like everything though, nothing is for free. So we are extremely grateful that once again, you’ve all dug deep into your pockets so we can continue to fund this valuable service for the foreseeable future.
Here’s to the next fundraising event!