Letter to parents Feb 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am writing just to give you a quick update on the situation regarding the after school and holiday club that has operated out of our playgroup premises for the last 10 years. Some of you maybe already aware that Hideout are no longer operating, and I can confirm they will not be returning in the future. Alternative plans have been made for wrap around care through school for school aged children.
Hideout has contributed over the years to the fixed and variable overheads of playgroup and the loss of this contribution will not go un-noticed. We are having to look outside the box at additional ways of generating additional income to meet this shortfall.
One of the initiatives we are currently looking into is to extend the provision we currently offer to early years children by offering extended hours during term time with an added possibility of holiday clubs. Look out for our survey due to be sent out very soon, we would appreciate your participation as we look to assess how viable this will be for current and future playgroup parents.
Any queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind Regards
Business Manager