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Week 2 activities

***Please check your emails parents for all attachments!***

Good morning all

I hope you are all surviving and keeping safe, we are missing the children so much !!!

Thank you for all the lovely comments and photos you have been sending of the activities you have have been doing xx

I will be sending activities out each week until we can return to normal.

This week all the activities are about EGGS !!!!

1. Talk about eggs (Google or books) what is an egg? Where do they come from? (words to include, shell, yolk and white !)

Explore which animals come out of an egg and which don't !

(Activity sheet 1) What hatches from an egg ?

Cut out and sort into 2 groups, lots of conversation about which do and don't.

2. Continued on from no 1 !!

Egg to Chick (Activity sheety 2) Look at the pictures together and talk about what is happening, cut out and sequence in the right order (

3. Explore the letter /sound 'e'

Practice writing the letter (little line along "left to right" then go up and round !)

Find as many things as you can beginning with this sound,(not as easy as F !)

4. Activity sheet 3, Egg hand control. Get your child to follow the lines !

As always pen/pencil goes left to right on the page.

5. Learn the song "Chick chick chick chick chicken !"

you tube - Justin (CBeebies) !!!!

6. Draw/Paint /Collage - Make a chicken !!

7. Cook with eggs !! (obviously with your grown ups !!!)

What can you make ?

8. Ordering numbers (Activity sheet 4)

Cut out and order as appropriate to your child.

Younger children focus on number recognition, older children order to 5 / then order to 10 !

9. The Egg Challenge !!!

Teamwork with your siblings/ grown ups !!

Can you build a safe structure, using whatever materials you have ( wooden blocks, duplo, cardboard, box modelling/ wood, anything !!)

The structure has to be as TALL as you can make , but stable enough to balance an egg ( hard boiled !/ wooden/ plastic/chocolate )on for at least 5minutes !!

We would love to see photos of your creations !! These can be plain or decorated, Use your imagination !!

Hope that will keep you going.

Please keep safe

Stay home and save lives

Lots of love Tracey


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