Week 6 Activities
*** Parents and carers - please check your emails for all attachments!***
Hi all
Another week ! Hope you are all surviving !! Hope the weather improves !! (Although good for puddle jumping !!)
Thank you once again for all the photos, e mails, messages and even videos !
We love seeing them and glad you are finding the weekly activities helpful !!
I am not attempting an e book this week, after last week's problems ! There are lots of versions of the story/ songs on you tube. (some better than others !!!)
1. As always, share story books with your child, encouraging them to join in with the familiar refrains eg "Who's been sitting in my chair !" Good to try different voices for the different characters !
2. (attachment 1) Puppets of the bears and Goldilocks, to colour, cut and put on a stick/ piece of stiff card, to re enact the story.
3. (attachment 2) A series of Home Learning Challenges. Especially Porridge making ! are you a "yum" or a "yuk" , what is your favourite topping !
4. (attachment 3) The 3 bears counting picture. Count the items they can see in the picture. Younger children to count and colour, possibly some number recognition, older children to have a go at writing the numbers. Extend for older children counting as high as they can and number recognition up to 10/20.
5. (attachment 4 and 5) Hand and pencil control. Take Goldilocks through the maze and some circles ( remember to start the letter at the top and go left like a c !
6. (attachment 6) Matching different sizes, which bed and bowl match to Daddy bear, mummy bear, baby bear. Talkabout big/ little/ medium sized/ bigger than/ smaller than.
7. Can you find 3 bowls of different sizes, 3 bears, 3 plates etc anything in 3 different sizes !!!
8. Collect all your teddies, Can you sort them into groups by size/ colour etc (doesn't have to be teddies can be any toys !) Can you line them up in order of size, big to little ! (photos would be good !) Which bear is your smallest ?
9. Can you make a bed for your bear. ( Recycling box or any craft materials !! )
10. have a teddy bears picnic - matching each teddy to a plate, cup, food etc. (1 to 1 Matching )
11. This week's letter/ sound is "b" What can you find that begins with "b"
As always get outside as much as you can , listen and look for signs of Spring !!
Take care and keep safe
sending love and virtual hugs
Tracey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx