Week 8 Activities

*** Parents and carers, please check your emails for all attachments!!***
Hello all
Well done on surviving another week ! We hope you are all coping with all the changes to our lives. We hope that those of you who have had to keep on working through all this are managing to keep well and those of you who are starting to return to work we hope you all keep safe. It is an anxious time for all of us.
It has been so lovely hearing what the children are doing, we love seeing your photos and videos and hearing your news. We are missing all the children so much.
This week's activities are based on the story of "The Enormous Turnip"
1. As always share and look at the story, we hope many of have this one. There are many versions out there on e book and you tube etc. (There are also other versions similar, I have a copy of the Enormous Potato!!) As always encourage your child to listen and join in the story, recapping what is happening and main characters.
2.( Attachment 1) Stick puppets to retell the story. Colour and cut , use as puppets or make a big collage of the story. ( from your photos these puppets have been a firm favourite with the children)
3. ( Attachments 2 and 3) i spy poster and instructions. This is a lovely picture of the story and some suggestions of what to look for in the picture. Lots of talking about the picture and the story.
4. The turnip was "ENORMOUS". How many words can you/ your family come up with that mean big !!!!!! there are a lot of words (prize for the most !!)
5.(Attachment 4) there are a series of pictures (which can be coloured ) that show a range of times where "PUSHING" or "PULLING" is taking place. Look and talk about the pictures and sort them out into groups that go together. What can you find at home that you can push or pull ?
6. (Attachment 5) a jigsaw puzzle (adult help needed here), colour cut and reform !!
7. Identify a range of vegetables. can be the actual item or a picture. Can you find a vegetable you didn't know ? can you taste vegetables you haven't tried before ?
8. Get out in your gardens !! Or a pot in the kitchen or on the patio ? Can you help with the gardening, can you plant some vegetables (Hooray the garden centres are open !!!) Salad leaf seeds are very easy to plant and grow very quickly ? Talk about what you are doing, using language like, empty, full, soil, water, dig, seeds, bulbs, roots, leaves ....
Keep the photos coming, we love to see them.
Take care and keep safe
Lots of love Tracey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx