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Parent Protocol: phased re-opening of Playgroups from 1st June 2020

V1 – Updated 25.05.20

This protocol outlines what we ask of parents / carers during the proposed phased re-opening of Playgroup from 01.06.20. It is based on Government guidance and our detailed risk assessment, which is available to view on our website, .

Please do your very best to follow it so we can ensure our children, staff and families are kept as safe as possible during this unprecedented time. Thank you for your continued support.


1. Any child who has been told to shield or who is clinically extremely vulnerable or who lives in a household with someone who has been advised to shield or is clinically extremely vulnerable cannot attend Playgroup.

2. All children coming to Playgroup should avoid all non-essential public transport travel, and outside of Playgroup hours, follow national guidelines for social interaction. If public transport is necessary, parents / carers are asked to follow current guidance on the use of public transport.

3. Any child who has taken any form of paracetamol or ibuprofen will not be allowed into Playgroup for 48 hours after symptoms have ended.

4. Any child who displays signs of a cold will not be allowed in Playgroup until 48 hours after symptoms have ended.

5. Please do not bring any toys, teddies or blankets (or similar) into Playgroup from home.

6. Please ensure children are wearing fresh, clean clothes each time they attend to ensure any potential risks of cross-contamination are minimised.

7. Children will be encouraged to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth.

8. Government guidance does not recommend wearing a face mask in schools or other education settings, so it is not necessary for you or your child to attend wearing such items. Changing habits, effective cleaning and hygiene are effective measures in controlling the spread of the virus.

9. Attendance at Playgroup will be restricted to children and staff only. The only other visitors who will be permitted are for essential maintenance. Where essential visits are required, these will be made outside of Playgroup hours wherever possible.

10. A rigorous cleaning schedule is in place at Playgroup to minimise the spread of Covid-19. Our cleaner comes in daily after the building has closed for the day. A deep clean is scheduled for w/c 25th May. Staff will be conducting cleaning at regular intervals during the day. Staff and children are regularly washing their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds. You too can play your part in helping us to maintain this high level of cleanliness by following the guidelines on washing your hands regularly.

11. Children will be encouraged to be outside in their bubbles as much as possible. Please ensure you send your child to Playgroup with appropriate outdoor clothing. Please also ensure sun hats and sun cream are applied by parents before their child attends Playgroup. Staff will not be able to apply sun cream as per the Government guidance.

12. Government guidance says children should attend one setting to avoid potential cross contamination and ensure the numbers of people that child is mixing with is kept to an absolute minimum. If your child attends multiple settings, please talk to us as we will need to carry out a risk assessment and take appropriate steps. This may mean we are unable to accept your child at Playgroup.

Drop off / collection:

1. Parents / carers and their children must maintain social distancing at all times. Please keep 2m apart from other parents / carers and staff. We have introduced markings on the ground outside playgroup, as well as signage, to help you do this.

2. Parents / carers will be allocated staggered time slots to drop off / collect their child. This is to ensure social distancing can be adhered to. Please stick to your allocated time and use the markings provided to ‘queue’ if needed.

3. Please ensure just one adult (who is symptom free) per family drops off and collects. Please also avoid bringing siblings to drop off / collect children as far as possible. No buggies or prams if possible, please, to avoid congestion / cross contamination.

4. When you reach the door of the Playgroup building, a member of staff will be there to welcome children and take the register. Please leave your child’s bag and lunchbox on the outside table.

5. You will then be asked if any parent, child, or member of the household has any of the Covid-19 symptoms, which include a high temperature, persistent cough, loss or change to sense of smell / taste. We may, if the need arises, ask to take your child’s temperature on arrival using our digital thermometer. If the answer is yes, then you will be asked to take your child home. Your child will not be able to return until they are symptom free as demonstrated by either a negative test result, or through completion of the required self-isolation period.

6. Your child will then be taken into Playgroup by a member of staff who will ask them to wash their hands thoroughly on arrival.

7. If your child becomes upset at drop off, then a parent / carer will be allowed to enter Playgroup for a short period to reassure the child, providing all measures are taken to minimise contact between the parent and other children and staff members.

8. Parents / carers are then asked to leave the site promptly after drop-off or collection.

9. Please arrive to collect your child at your allocated timeslot. Wait outside at 2m intervals, using the painted and other markings / signage to aid in this. Your child will then be brought to you, along with his/her belongings.

10. If a child begins displaying a continuous cough or a high temperature, they will be sent home to isolate per the guidelines. A child awaiting collection will be moved, if possible and appropriate, to an area which is at least 2 metres away from other people. A window/door will be opened for ventilation. If they need to go to the toilet while waiting to be collected, the toilet and sink should be cleaned and disinfected using standard cleaning products before being used by anyone else.

11. We reserve the right to turn parents / children away if this protocol is not being followed. We must do everything we can to ensure the safety of our staff and children at the present time.

Changes to Playgroup routines:

1. Under normal circumstances, Playgroup is allowed a maximum of 26 children per session. This has now been reduced by half. A maximum of 13 children will be allowed at Playgroup per session. This will be reviewed regularly as time progresses.

2. Children attending each session will be split into one of three or four small groups or “bubbles,” each containing a maximum or four children - if we reach capacity for that session. Children will be grouped by age and with their friends where possible. The appropriate staff will then be allocated to each “bubble” to look after the children. Wherever possible, each “bubble” will be kept together during the week.

3. Inside Playgroup’s building, each “bubble” will be allocated an area of the indoor space where children will play and take part in activities. All care routines, including the provision of snacks and lunchtime, will take place within the space allocated to each “bubble.” Social distancing between each “bubble” will be maintained as far as possible.

4. Outside in the playground, each “bubble” will use the space at different times and use different parts of the outdoor area Social distancing between each “bubble” will be maintained as far as possible. We will encourage the children to be outside as much as possible.

5. Playgroup’s resources have been minimised to those that can be cleaned effectively. For the foreseeable future, that means no dressing up, soft toys or playdough will be available for the children to play with. Messy play will be limited to each “bubble.” A limited number of craft items will also be available within each “bubble.” Storytime and rhyme/singing times will also be in their “bubble”.

6. Children will be actively encouraged to wash their hands regularly throughout the day, as well as before eating, after coughing or sneezing.


Our employees have a separate staff protocol to follow. This is extremely detailed and complements our risk assessment and range of other protocols that we have published on our website.

Staff will only attend Playgroup if they are symptom free, have completed the required isolation period or achieved a negative test result.

We will regularly be risk assessing staff to ensure they are safe so that they are able to keep your children safe.

This protocol is one of seven Coronavirus protocols we have put in place, based on our overall risk assessment. These are:

  1. Parent protocol

  2. Staff protocol

  3. Effective infection protection and control protocol

  4. What happens if someone is unwell protocol

  5. Confirmed case protocol

  6. Kitchen protocol

  7. Handover protocol to after school provision

All are regularly reviewed / updated by staff / parent committee in line with Government guidance. All are published on our website – .

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