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Week 16 Activities

** Parents / Carers - please see emails for all the attachments!**

Hi all

This will be the last set of Activities coming home😞

I hope you have found them useful. We have loved seeing your photos and videos, it is so lovely to see what you have been doing during this very difficult time.

Playgroup has been a very strange place (stranger than usual !!!!) and we hope the Keyworker children and those who have returned have enjoyed their time back with us.

It has been so comforting that the children have shown great resilience throughout this pandemic, I am so proud of them, especially after asking them to wash their hands again and again !!!!

This last few weeks we are exploring the SEASIDE !! I hope that many of you will manage to get to a beach over the Summer Break !

The children at Playgroup have enjoyed talking about their experiences and visits to the seaside.

While we haven't been able to use sand at Playgroup, if you have a sand pit/tray at home, (Mud works too !!) enjoy digging and sandcastle making in the garden.

Also once again water play is a must !!!!!!!

1. As always go through your books/ stories, What books do you have with a seaside/ fish theme ? Do you have information books about the beach/ sea creatures ? Lots of opportunities to talk about the seaside !

We have particularly enjoyed the series Fidgetty Fish/ Smiley Shark/ Tickly Octopus/ Clumsy Crab, Let us know your favourites ? (My personal favourite is Sally and the Limpet !!!! very old book !)

2. (Attachment 1) A seaside scene. A lovely picture with lots going on, talkabout the picture and see if you can find the hidden shells !

3. Shells - Do you have some shells at home ? Where did they come from ?, Explore the shapes, colours etc. If you manage to get to the beach, can you collect some more ?

4. (Attachment 2) Can you make some salt dough, recipe attached ? Can you make sea creatures with it ? Can you use your shells to make imprints (press the rough side of the shells into the dough)

Explore and be creative !!!

5. Can you find a beach bag ? What things would you take to the beach? (sunglasses, towel, picnic, bucket and spade !

6. (Attachment 3) Cutting activity

7.(Attachment 4) Summer colouring. Can you colour the picture using the initial sound of the colour b is for blue, g is for green.

8(Attachment 5) Hand control As always left to right !!!!

9. (Attachment 6) A summer holiday Can you cut out the pictures at the bottom to complete the picture. Colour

10. (Attachment 7 and 8)

Seaside I spy, lots of discussion

11. (attachment 9 and 10) some assorted counting and number recognition

Thank you to all of you who have let me know what places you will be needing in September.

We now have the guidance for how to welcome everyone back !!!( Obviously still with Covid Cleaning, hand washing, socially distanced adults and disinfecting staying !)

We will keep you posted before we start back, as I am sure there will be revisions to what we have been given !!!

To all our Leavers for School, we are sad that this won't have been the usual transition we had hoped, I will be talking to all the Schools about them all !

We have their development folders ready for them to take home, for you to keep as a record of their time with us. If you are "passing" over the next 2 weeks please pop in to pick them up, we will forward any left.

Over the summer we are still contactable by e mail/ facebook messenger and by phone (the phone will once again be on divert !!!)

Take care all

Lots of love and hugs

Tracey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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