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Ofsted Inspection Outcome May 2022

Dear Parents,

Please find underneath a link to access Tollerton Playgroup's recent Ofsted report.

This had been triggered by our Management Committee becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in November 2019. We are required to have a regulatory inspection within 3 years.

The move to CIO was done to “future proof” Playgroup and to ensure we could operate as effectively as possible with an active group of Trustees.

We are very pleased to share the news with you that we were awarded a grading of “Good.” Staff and Committee are all very pleased with the Outcome.

It is a great achievement, especially on the back of two years of Covid, the introduction of a brand-new Curriculum in September 2021 and a revised Inspection Framework in February 2022!

Our support from Nottinghamshire County Council said, “You are a very good, good !!!”

It was an incredibly stressful day for all the staff, made much more bearable by the good wishes and support from our wonderful parents and grandparents (especially those in the Education Sector, who know what it feels like!)

Thank you to all who queued up to speak to the inspector, to those who sent e mails for us to give to her, and especially to the children who were absolute stars that day.

There are two elements for us to work through, as we embed the new curriculum. Tracey did challenge her on the day and provided written evidence in support. But……

She expected every member of staff to know every child’s targets (all 52 children!). This is a challenge and one that is not especially realistic in our view. Some staff are only in for a few sessions per week.

All the children were expected to be on task at all times within the 3 hours!!

We pride ourselves on giving the children fantastic, fun learning experiences every day. They are on task and get great guidance from our excellent experienced staff, moving their play forward.

Here are some highlights from the report:

“Children are happy and safe in the welcoming environment created by staff”

“Children are confident and enjoy having conversations with others”

“Children are keen to try things for themselves. They persevere, with staff's encouragement.”

“They know the routines during the day and what staff expect of them.”

“Staff know their key children well. They observe children throughout the day, assessing what they know and can do.”

“Staff help children learn about the world around them. They teach children how to plant and take care of seeds, and link this to the book they have been reading. “

“Leaders provide high-quality training for all staff that improves the experiences for children. For example, staff undertake training to provide them with further knowledge and skills to help children who struggle with verbal communication.”

“They work together to share good practice and ideas to improve the playgroup.”

“Parents and carers are complimentary about all aspects of the playgroup, including staff's 'phenomenal attention and care'.

They say that communication is excellent, and they feel included in all aspects of their child's learning and development. Parents explain that staff make great efforts in supporting children to be school ready. “

Everyone at Playgroup would like to thank our wonderful parents, carers, and grandparents for your continued support. Playgroup is a great partnership between parents, staff, committee, and especially our wonderful children.

Yours sincerely,

The Playgroup Team


0115 937 6908

Burnside Grove, Tollerton, Nottingham NG12 4ET, UK

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