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Playgroup has such a great atmosphere... you feel like you're leaving them with family!

A few weeks ago, we sent out our annual questionnaire to ask our fabulous children and their parents / carers what it's like to be a child at Playgroup. Thanks so much to everyone who took the time to complete it, we're always hugely grateful for the feedback!

One parent / carer comment which really stood out was the following: "We love Playgroup, it has such a great atmosphere and you feel like you're leaving them with family!"

Here are a few more other lovely snippets of feedback we received from our grown-ups:

"Our son absolutely loves his time at Playgroup and has lots of friends and amazing relationships with all of the staff."

"The ladies are wonderful and so are the range of resources and activities on offer."

"He is so enthusiastic about learning and Playgroup has also helped him socially, encouraging him to become more independent. We're confident about his school readiness. Thank you!"

"She enjoys exploring the spaces at her pace and then with encouragement, getting involved in the activities that are a little out of her comfort zone. The staff support her immensely."

"We love the dedicated, caring staff and know our son is going to have a fun time everyday... The range of activities are amazing, he loves all the crafts and the freedom to play outside."

Tracey Owen, Supervisor at Tollerton Playgroup, said: “Capturing the thoughts of our children, parents and carers is vital. It means we can tailor our activities to best meet the needs of our little ones and reflect on what we're doing well and on where we can do things better!

“Some of the comments from our children provide a real insight into their world, and we always take note of what they say. More comics, real animals, and water play were the top requests! We'll try to meet these as best we can... although we perhaps can't accommodate a zoo quite yet!"

Other positive highlights from the youngsters about their favourite things to do at Playgroup included:

"Playing with the frog!"

"Hopping over the hurdles."

"Going on the fast scooter."

"Playing ice creams and hot chocolates in the castle."

"Wearing dress up and flip flops and enjoying changing clothes a lot!"

"Spotting butterflies because they are so pretty."

"Laughing and telling jokes!"

"Singing and stories."

They also said they knew when they had done something well because...

"The ladies say 'well done, you've been great today."

"I did it well and I concentrate!"

"I get a sticker."

"I put it in my folder."

"Someone tells me!"

And when they felt sad or unhappy...

"I find another friend to play with."

"Go to Jess and Tracey for a cuddle."

"Tell a grown up."

"Ask the ladies to read me a story and have a rest."

On feeling safe, the little ones said...

"Teachers and friends and toys help."

"No baddies come to Playgroup, jail catches bad people, the adults protect me."

Tracey added: "We really do have a wonderful team of staff at Playgroup who work tirelessly to provide the very best early years experiences for our children. Thanks to all for the words of encouragement and support, it really does mean a lot.

"Our door is always open, and we will continue to listen to what our parents, carers and children have to say so that Playgroup continues to thrive both now, and into the future."

For more information about Tollerton Playgroup, visit or find us on Facebook @TollertonPlaygroup.


0115 937 6908

Burnside Grove, Tollerton, Nottingham NG12 4ET, UK

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